Defining Games and Interactive Experiences

Defining Games and Interactive Experiences


Recently, there has been a lot of debate about how to define a game. People question whether something is truly a game or not. However, this line of inquiry is misguided and limiting. Instead of focusing on rigid definitions, we should embrace the idea that if something enhances our experiences and allows us to explore new things, then it is valuable, regardless of its classification as a game.

The Stanley Parable: A Case Study

Take, for example, "The Stanley Parable", an interactive experience that challenges traditional notions of what a game is. Instead of getting caught up in whether it qualifies as a game or not, we should appreciate the unique and thought-provoking elements it brings to our lives. Arguing about classifications does not contribute to the advancement of art. We shouldn't limit creativity by telling creators that their work doesn't fit into a specific category. This only hinders artistic exploration and growth.

Embracing the New

Often, the focus on defining games is used as a smokescreen by traditional gamers to discourage less conventional experiences. By dismissing experiences that don't involve jumping or shooting as not real games, we miss out on the opportunity to expand the horizons of our medium. However, it's not just the traditional gamers who contribute to this division. Even within the game development community, there are those who look down upon games that follow more traditional mechanics. Instead of creating divisions, we should learn from each other and appreciate the value that different types of experiences bring to the table.

Volition: The Core of Interactive Experiences

The term "interactive experiences" captures the essence of what makes games unique. The crucial criterion for an interactive experience is the presence of choice and agency for the player. If there is no volition involved, then we are merely replicating other forms of media with technological enhancements. Volition allows us to explore the human experience in ways that other media cannot. It empowers players to fundamentally change their experiences and influence the outcome of a story.

Examples of Volition in Action

Despite not having complex mechanics, games like "Loneliness" demonstrate the power of volition. Players can approach the game in various ways, making choices that reflect their own personalities and values. Some players charge into crowds, embodying the rebellious outcast who refuses to conform. Others prefer to avoid crowds, seeking solace in a world that rejects them. There are also players who approach groups slowly, hoping for acceptance. These choices showcase the interactive nature of the experience, allowing players to shape the narrative.

Learning from Interactive Experiences

Interactive experiences have the potential to teach us valuable life lessons. Through games, we can gain insights into leadership skills, teamwork, problem-solving, and personal growth. Each of us has likely learned something about ourselves or how to navigate real-life situations from an interactive experience. By limiting ourselves with narrow definitions of games, we deprive ourselves of the valuable lessons and growth opportunities that interactive experiences offer.

Rejecting Divisive Definitions

The discussion around what constitutes a game is often disingenuous and unproductive. It serves as a way for individuals to dismiss or argue against experiences they do not personally favor. This division only hampers the potential of our medium. Instead of getting caught up in divisive definitions, we should embrace the diversity of interactive experiences and the overlap they have with our daily lives. There is no reason to confine ourselves to simulated realities when our experiences can hold so much more.


In conclusion, the question of what defines a game is ultimately irrelevant and restrictive. What matters is whether an experience adds value to our lives and allows us to explore new perspectives. By embracing interactive experiences and rejecting divisive definitions, we can foster a more inclusive and innovative gaming community. Let's move away from the limitations of rigid classifications and instead focus on creating and experiencing meaningful and transformative interactive experiences.

See you next week!

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